Thursday, September 27, 2007


I'm experiencing complications from the surgery. Where they inserted the catheter in the spinal cord, I'm having leakage which causes neurological headaches. So, I'm on my third day of laying flat in bed hoping it will heal. Not sure how many more days this will take.


Anonymous said...

Frank, I feel for you! I had the same kind of headaches last fall -- the cause was unknown, but somehow I developed a leak in my spinal column and lost enough fluid to cause horrendous headaches. The cure ended up being 8 days of immobility in the hospital. No fun.

Get well soon!

Jodi Peterson

Kanani said...

I'm so sorry!
I hope you feel better soon. Well, patience, I guess. The body will heal itself.
If you're truly bored, you might have someone order John Robison's audio version of "Look Me In The Eye." It's hilarious and moving.

Anonymous said...

Dang need you WELL!! Please take care of yourself!!


Frank DuBois said...

Thanks to everyone. Keep your fingers crossed, because so far so good.