Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obama & Unionized Agriculture

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama sent a letter to Beef Northwest Feeders in Oregon, asking them to recognize the June 13 card check election and negotiate with the United Farm Workers Union.

According to the Agribusiness Freedom Foundation, in a card check election "union organizers can approach an employee at work, at his home or elsewhere and pressure him into signing a card in front of them - no privacy and no secret ballot. The union is not required to have the employer's participation nor even alert the employer to their activities or pressure."

The AFF says in most states workers have the right to a secret ballot in deciding whether or not to join a union, and that national card check legislation is a priority for Obama and his party. The AFF reports that Beef Northwest Feeders will abide by the wishes of its employees in a truly neutral election monitored by a qualified third party.

In his letter, Obama states "I am committed to the ability of our nation's agricultural workers to organize."

Go here(pdf) to view the letter.

Hat Tip to Bobby & Pat Jones.

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