Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Brother vs. Burger and Fries Restaurants in some towns are now being forced to stop using trans fats. According to the latest biochemistry, trans fats are bad for you. No doubt. Many foodstuffs are bad for you, can even kill you, at least in the long run. Maybe — if you eat too much of them, exercise too little, and don’t get flattened by a Mack truck before your vessels clog. But what business is it of anyone in government what risks I take to enjoy my candy bar? And if it’s kosher to ban restaurants from using trans fats, what’s next, outlawing sugar, grease, and fast food? Outlawing fast food? McDonald’s will always be with us. Except in South Los Angeles, where a town council has just passed a year-long moratorium on new fast-food restaurants....No doubt we will soon have a black market for hamburgers and an FEA...Food Enforcement Administration.

1 comment:

Kanani said...

I have seen many patients who are obese and suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and the gamut of conditions that go along with it. Often their idea of a diet high fat, high carb, highly sweetened drink and no fiber foods.

They want it, fine. Go ahead. You can't stop them.

But the problem where it involves all of us is that a lot of these folks lack health insurance and rely on Medicaid. On top of that, they also sometimes go on long term disability due to the complications of these conditions. So it does end up costing the public something in terms of having to pay out benefits.

That's what's happening in places like East L.A. Not only are the people obese, but most lack health insurance and are ending up using the County health systems at taxpayer expense.