Monday, October 20, 2008

Horse Trafficking Bill Sidelined But Reveals Congressional Climate H.R. 6598, the bill that could turn ranchers, farmers and horse owners into felons for selling their horses to the wrong person, has been sidelined for now by a parliamentary maneuver. But a careful study of the comments from members during the Judiciary Committee session that approved the bill and sent it to the House floor is revealing and disturbing. The favorable vote split along party lines. With encouragement from apparently only one livestock group - NCBA -- House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson and Ranking Minority member Rep. Goodlatte and their staffs managed "sequential referral" of the bill to the House Agriculture Committee before going to the floor. That effectively puts the bill in limbo for now, since the Agriculture Committee has little interest in strenuously looking for ways to turn ranchers and horse owners into felons. But the bill is likely to reappear next year. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) gave an impassioned plea for the bill to open the hearing. Other members stressed their repugnance regarding horse slaughter, totally oblivious to the fact they were trying to affect business in someone else's country. The most disturbing realization in observing the behavior of the bill's committee proponents was that no reasonable, common sense argument fazed them. Even noting that the bill would force very inhumane conditions on thousands of horses that would be added to those already being abandoned fell on deaf ears....


Anonymous said...

This is absurd. It is fraught with inaccurate comments from beginning to end. The bill is NOT split along party lines and owners will not be arrested for transporting their horses. The bill will end slaughter. Period. The bill will make owners responsible for horses they chose to own and breed. What a concept. This is nothing more than the typical pro slaughter spin and not worth dissecting this dribble. We know the truth, we know what is behind this and we are all waiting for the pro side to come forward and print why they are really supporting horse slaughter. Why the beef industry is so concerned with horse slaughter when it doesn’t impact their business. Research PAC and the money trails and you’ll have the answer.

Anonymous said...

Party Lines? Maybe you need to look at the co-sponsor list for HR6598? It is just amazing to see people on both sides of Congress, men and women seeing the same most important fact.

That fact is: Our horses are suffering horrible deaths while in transportation and the slaughter process. Days of transportation in double deckers without food or water, some dying along the way because they fell down and could not get up and stomped by the other horses. The actual deaths are cruel and inhumane, how can anyone stand for this to continue?

The cattle industry fear is that wild horses are taking the grazing BLM land from them.

It is not the wild horses that are destroying these lands, but the cattle people that are using the lands for their cattle.

What will they do when all the horses are gone and the BLM Department can no longer hide who is really causing the damage?

Truth will prevail int he end!

Lin said...

Over breeding is supplying horse slaughter. They over breed, keep what they want and sell others to killer buyers, slaughter house owned feedlots or dump them at auctions. This bill will make them responsible for the horses they bring into this world. When this bill passes the horses will be safe from a horrific death. The breeders will have to fork out money to pay a vet for the culls they don't want. They will have become horse loving Americans like they should be, not horse slaughter dealers.

Anonymous said...

How people who claim to care about animals can continually stop the bills in Washington by the deeds of Bob Goodlatte and his buddies, and allow the cruel treatment of horses, that paved the way in this land. You have and are betraying this animal who was never intended to be eaten by foreigners. it is dispicalbe the false reasons you use to persist in this butchery. No animls should endure what horses do because of greed, laziness and a lack of taking responsiblity. the low life Killer buyer will alwasys be there to buy up the horses who are abandoned by their selfish owners at auctions and you will be the one who allows it because you have no soul

Anonymous said...

Why is it right for public lands to be used for the cattle rancher to make a profit but not ok for them to be used to raise wild horses? What about all the Americans that don't eat beef? Don't they have any say on the type of animal that gets to live on public land? Maybe we should let the American people vote on it. I think they know what is best for the animals concerned.