Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oil Companies Could Be Funding Mystery Account for Pan Am 103 Victims A senior Bush administration official Thursday left open the possibility that American and other oil companies who want to do business with Muammar el-Qaddafi are secretly paying off his debt to victims of the Pan Am 103 and Labelle discotheque bombings. The Bush administration, pressured by Congress, has made full satisfaction of the $1.5 billion debt a prerequisite for restoring full diplomatic and commercial relations with Libya, which renounced its pursuit of nuclear weapons in 2003. The payments were supposed to be completed in September, but a first installment arrived "just ... overnight," David C. Welch, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, said during a hastily arranged telephone conference Thursday with reporters. Welch would not say how much was paid, who it came from, where it was deposited, or when the balance would be forthcoming....

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