Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bighorn sheep tag sells for $245,000

The owner of a chain of sandwich shops in Champaign, Ill., paid $245,000 for a Montana bighorn sheep hunting tag last weekend at the Wild Sheep Foundation Convention in Salt Lake City. The Wild Sheep Foundation, headquartered in Cody, Wyo., would not release the winner's name, but they said the tag brought in $50,000 more than last year. The highest price ever paid for a Montana wild sheep tag was $310,000 in 1994. "Yes, the bidding was spirited," said Terry Ziehl of the Sheep Foundation. A Whitefish hunter paid $10,000 for a Montana mountain goat tag sold at the same show. Also at the auction, the Mule Deer Foundation sold a Montana mule deer tag for $8,500...Great Falls Tribune

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