Sunday, February 22, 2009

PETA Hits DoD Use of Pigs in Training

The base is among several military installations that have been singled out by PETA for using live animals when training medics for traumatic combat injuries. "We're filing these complaints because the Department of Defense requires use of alternatives when they are available," said Gala. "If these programs aren't using any animals, we're asking why are other programs such as Hurlburt's program and other Army programs using animals." "In short, to save lives," Ervin answered. "We're very sensitive to ensure that we only use live models if we cannot adequately simulate the type of injuries we want them (medics) to learn how to manage on a human patient." Animals were injured to treat massive traumas to vital organs such as the liver, bowels, spleen and stomach. Machines cannot simulate such wounds seen on a battlefield, said Ervin. "For the first time in the history of U.S. military, we're actually saving lives long before they get to the surgeons because our people are actually experienced and trained in doing that," Hagmann added. Gala contended technology can help do

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