Monday, April 20, 2009

Stay slim to save the planet

Overweight people eat more than thin people and are more likely to travel by car, making excess body weight doubly bad for the environment, according to a study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. "When it comes to food consumption, moving about in a heavy body is like driving around in a gas guzzler," and food production is a major source of greenhouse gases, researchers Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts wrote in their study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. "We need to be doing a lot more to reverse the global trend toward fatness, and recognize it as a key factor in the battle to reduce (carbon) emissions and slow climate change," the British scientists said. They estimated that each fat person is responsible for about one tonne of carbon dioxide emissions a year more on average than each thin person, adding up to an extra one billion tonnes of CO2 a year in a population of one billion overweight people...Reuters

This is why they haven't closed Gitmo. Us hefty ones will be declared an "environmental combatant" and shipped off to Cuba.

1 comment:

LauraGarnet said...

LOL! in regards to your Gitmo comment.
The poor sweet, harmless poopsies... so mistreated they are.
"One detainee has almost doubled in weight, to 410 pounds"....
Gitmo Diet Making Prisoners Fat
Wednesday, October 04, 2006,2933,217770,00.html

I hear showing them a caterpillar is considered horrible torture!
Or 7 hours straight without sleep! OMG!

If obese people can afford the gas to drive around and
afford all the chow they eat, I guess that's their business.
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. I would be more concerned
about the amount of fecal matter these people are producing.
It stands to reason that the vast quantities of food they consume
must come out, creating vast amounts of sewage.
Over loaded waste water treatment facilities that release raw
sewage into lakes and rivers are a major problem, unlike the
phony hoax that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.
"Cap and Trade" will make Al Gore and his cronies billions of
dollars in ill-gotten gains. Carbon taxes are the first step toward
charging every living human being who is not one of the deserving
a "breathing tax".

Have you noticed that they stopped using the term "Global Warming",
over this last harsh, cold winter and switched to "Climate Change"?
Nobody seems to notice and ask why. Wake-up sheeple!

Climate changes are natural and cyclical. Prehistoric mammoths have
been found instantly frozen to death where they stood with the grass
they were chewing and eating still in their mouths.

If there is true evidence that major climate change is imminent, our esteemed,
elite politicians should be preparing the world's nations populations to survive
it, not wailing and gnashing teeth, wringing hands and imposing draconian
regulations, laws and taxes.

Global Warming 'greatest scam in history' says
John Coleman creator of Weather Channel
April 18, 2009 Chicago Sun Times,CST-NWS-swarming19.article