Friday, May 22, 2009

Raccoon bites motorist who hit him

A motorist who stopped to remove a wounded raccoon from the road led to the second reported case of rabies in Alamance County this year. On Saturday, a raccoon was hit by a motor vehicle on N.C. 119 North near Stagecoach Road in Mebane. The motorist stopped to remove what he thought was a dead raccoon from the roadway. But the raccoon was still alive, and it bit the motorist through a pair of work gloves. The motorist managed to catch the raccoon, which died before Animal Control could claim it. The victim was later treated for the bite at Alamance Regional Medical Center. He is now undergoing post-exposure treatment for Hat Tip: Slugs & Plugs

Thank goodness he didn't mess with that coon's teeth or he could be goin' to prison.

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