Wednesday, July 29, 2009

County fair roots grow from medieval times

Fairs date to medieval times when people weren't able to travel much, so tradesmen got together - usually once a year - to sell their wares and buy from others. In the United States, county and state fairs became popular as an "end-of-harvest" celebration in the 19th century, with mostly rural folks gathering to exhibit the best of their livestock, produce, flowers, sewing and quilting. Winning entries in county fairs often went on to exhibit at state fairs. Salida was founded in 1880 and during years that followed, residents were no doubt kept busy establishing a community, homes and businesses. But by 1893 the idea of a county fair was beginning to develop. A July 5, 1893, Salida Semi-Weekly Mail writer commented, "Why cannot Salida have a fair here next fall? No reason in the world why it should not. If the enterprising people of Salida will organize an association, prepare the grounds and offer the premiums...MountainMail

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