Friday, July 10, 2009

States ready for first open wolf hunts

Montana and Idaho are moving to host the first open gray wolf hunts in the lower 48 states after the animal's removal from the endangered list across much of the Northern Rockies. Montana wildlife commissioners voted Wednesday to let hunters throughout the state shoot 75 wolves, or 15 percent of Montana's population, beginning in mid-September. In Idaho, commissioners meet later this month to set their quota. A prior plan called for hunting almost 250 wolves. Legal challenges to the hunts are certain as environmentalists argue wolves could again be driven toward extinction. Experts, however, said wiping out wolves would be difficult. And state wildlife managers said the quotas are crucial to keep the fast-breeding predators in check and limit attacks on domestic sheep and calves. Government wildlife agents and ranchers protecting livestock killed 264 wolves in the Northern Rockies in 2008, including 21 entire packs, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...AP

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