Thursday, October 22, 2009

Former Earth Liberation Front spokesman starts up 'radical' environmental magazine

Craig Rosebraugh, a longtime activist, former Earth Liberation Front spokesman and former Portland restaurateur, has started up a new quarterly magazine: "Resistance, Journal of the Earth Liberation Movement." The Arizona-based magazine isn't striving for mainstream balance; it describes itself as "radical" and names Shell oil company as its "Ecoterrorist of the Season." Today's release is the second edition, but Rosebraugh is describing it as a "national launch," saying the magazine is now available at Borders and hundreds of other stores in the United States and Canada after signing on with Disticor Distribution. Rosebraugh drew controversy for speaking for ELF, which used arson and other sabotage tactics that prosecutors consider eco-terrorism. His organic vegan restaurant, Calendula, ran into labor problems before closing. Rosebraugh, 37, is attending law school at Arizona State University and editing the more


Brett said...

Just what we need, another unproductive whackjob here in Arizona. Now, instead of having literal bomb-throwers, we can look forward to lawyers liek this guy, who will employ the power of the state to harass his opponents.

Who, exactly, are these people trying to "liberate" the planet from? Is this like the folks who want to "liberate" the livestock and domestic pets to what would be a certain death for most of them?

By the way, I just love how these progressive types are glad to dictate to others how to run their businesses, but seem unable to run their own enterprises up to the standards they set for others.

I think we the working could use this magazine as an inspiration. I think we need to start up a radical ag publication. We can call it Rangeland Rebel. Instead of cutting fences, we'll talk about driving large herds into their neighborhoods. Of course, we would have to campaign for the reintroduction of wolves, and probably cougars too, in their towns. Reduction of water allotments, particularly to SoCal and Las Vegas, would be a priority. How long do you think we'd make it before the feds hung us all good and high? Methinks it would not be long.

Frank DuBois said...

I had previously proposed The Mad Ranchers Liberation Front.