Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Baxter Black: 'Tis the season to be thankful

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for many things large and small. For instance, on the world stage, I am thankful that Saddam Hussein finally got what he had coming. But I'm also thankful for more personal things like the fact that there are still airports and convenience stores that have pay phones. They are as rare as a kind word for a legislator, but they are essential to us Verizaphobes. I'm thankful that we have not had a terrorist act in our country since Sept. 11, because of the strength and dedication of our troops stationed around the world in harm's way. On a small note, it is comforting that I can still find a restaurant that is not a chain store. One where the chef is really a chef and not a reheater! I'm thankful to see roads being built and repaired as part of our economic stimulus plan. It's long overdue, and it is creating jobs. Less world-shaking, I'm thankful I have friends and family who care enough to remind me of an anniversary, birthday or obscure bank holiday that I probably would have forgotten. I think it stems from being part of the agrarian community where every day is a holiday, or a work day, depending on your point of view. The livestock need fed rain or shine, Sunday or Monday, July 4 or April more

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