Thursday, January 28, 2010

EPA regional administrator vows "revolutionary" changes

The happy days are over for polluters and those who would exploit resources in downtrodden inner-city communities, Indian reservations and San Francisco Bay, the new regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency declared Tuesday. Jared Blumenfeld, who took over the federal post this month, vowed during a news conference to make "revolutionary" changes that will end EPA invisibility and reconnect the agency to the citizens, whose health and livelihoods are at more

Their "health and livelihoods" are at stake? Thank goodness we have the EPA to save us. Welcome to Obamaland.

He'll reconnect alright and I'm sure they will love it when the green police show up to rip out their lawns.

1 comment:

Brett said...

Oh, they're plenty well connected to the citizenry. Their hands, in particular, have a rather good connection to our wallets.

Look on the bright side, folks. We're going to be the healthiest, bankrupt, unemployed country in the history of the universe.