Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brady Campaign State Scorecards: Most States Have Weak Gun Laws

Most states have weak or non-existent gun laws, helping feed the illegal gun market and allowing the sale of guns without background checks including at gun shows, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Forty-three states fail to close the loophole that allows criminals to buy guns at gun shows without Brady background checks. Scores range from the first-ever “zero,” earned by Utah, to 79 for California. “Most states, unfortunately, are doing very little to protect citizens from gun violence. Most states are allowing dangerous people to have easy access to guns,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Few states have laws addressing the critical issue of gun trafficking such as requiring background checks on all gun purchases at gun shows. The Brady Campaign is advocating for legislation to close the gun show loophole at the national more

Go here to see how your state ranks.

COMMENT: Congratulations Utah for having the best gun laws in the nation! New Mexico is right up there with a 4.

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