Friday, March 05, 2010

Sage grouse will get limited protection

Federal authorities today embarked on a compromise effort to protect the sage grouse as a "candidate" species under the Endangered Species Act. Short of designating the sage grouse as threatened or endangered, the compromise crafted by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar embraced the latest science indicating that grouse need help to avoid extinction in the face of energy development, grazing and house-building. This approach "gives an open window" of "several years" for public and private land users to take action "making sure the grouse doesn't have to be put on the endangered species list," Salazar said. "We believe we can do that." Hunting grouse in Colorado and other western states will still be allowed. At the same time, energy companies poised to drill in sensitive areas may face new restrictions and are on notice that protections for the grouse in the future could one day force industry relocation. The federal Bureau of Land Management - which manages 8.4 million acres across Colorado and 253 million acres nationwide - plays a key role in determining whether the grouse will survive. BLM managers lease land for grazing, drilling, mining and installation of powerlines and windmills. Designating the grouse as a "candidate" species is expected to force the Fish and Wildlife Service and other agencies to work cooperatively with private landowners to conserve grouse. Federal authorities may give financial and technical assistance and help develop conservation agreements that give regulatory assurances to landowners who try to help more


Anonymous said...

Federal "authorities." ?? I can think of a more appropriate word than "authorities!"

Anonymous said...

Seems as very few citizens of America give a __ _ _ _! The Feds
rule and dictate natural resource
supply. Pretty sad what America
has become. Tax exempt foundations
rule. Salad Czar takes his que/orders from?

International Treaty and Executive
Order is the norm. Why have a Constitution?

Should be some prison time for many
of our "elected" servants. The FRN
has become the laughing stock of the world. M-2, M-3 money supply reporting was discontinued recently-- 18 to 24 months ago.
wonder why?

The puts and call(s) boys (Soros and other _ _ _ _ _ _ have supposed sovereign governments
becoming boot lickers.

Hegelian anyone?