Friday, May 28, 2010

Southern Arizona rancher testifies before Congress

Bill McDonald's the 5th generation on his family's 103 year old ranch that sits near the border. He says for the last 10 years he's been dealing with the serious problem of immigrants crossing his land. He brought those years of experience here to Capitol Hill to tell his story. "Although it's been a difficult place to make a living, it's been a peaceful place," McDonald said in his testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. That peaceful place is now called ground zero for immigrants crossing into the U.S. through Bill McDonald's land illegally. He explained, "Wildfires get started on a regular basis, gates left down, fences cut and trails made by human traffic." And he described to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, when these things happen on his Ranch, he has trouble even calling for help. "Communications are abysmal," Bill testified. "When you're talking about land owner to agents or agent to agent or agent to other law enforcement agencies."...more

Here's the KVOA-TV video report:

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