It is obvious Gov. Richardson has enacted this trap ban on his way out and at the direction of the radical wolf recovery organizations and it was probably written by them also.
What a crock, almost all the trapping injuries to wolves have been done by the federal agencies involved in wolf recovery, not the trapping public...why..because they use #7 McBride wolf traps that have larger jaws than traps allowed by state law. These agencies are exempt of state law and do what they want.
The enviro's are punishing the trapping public for what federal agencies are doing, why? Because these same enviro's are against trapping, hunting, ranching, farmings, off road vehicles and or anything else that uses our natural re-newable resources.
We can only pray for a decent Governor, not one that walks and talks like Richardson with the same ol tune, fiddle and guitar...but one that will see through all the enviro hype and will protect the folks living on and using the land.
"KNOW" who you are voting for..everyone should be a one man army and campaign every person you meet.
Folks, the customs of life of the people's of the Southwest are on the line and we need a change....or it will be lost forever!
Many people's lives depend on your vote...Let us all band together and put decent people in office that will work and protect our way of life.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired living at the direction of the environmental radical organizations...WE out number the enviro's, all we have to do is focus and band together and vote as one.
The only way to beat them is by electing like minded candidates.
Best wishes
Jess Carey
These comments were originally submitted to the Mesilla Valley Sportsmen's Alliance.
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