Monday, August 30, 2010

Proposed GIPSA Changes Force The Cattle Industry To Go To War With Itself. Again

Two truths: (1) The cattle industry operates on razor thin margins. (2) It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. One conclusion - If the cattle industry continues to go to war with itself, every penny of those razor thin margins are going to fall into the pockets of the fat lady, the one who earns her living as a lawyer, not an opera singer. Only then will it be over. For every cattleman. Most of the participants in July’s Battle of Denver, which was fought over the possible misuse of millions of checkoff dollars, moved up the road to Friday's USDA-DOJ listening session in Fort Collins and they’re fighting anew over some serious money this time. Both battles pit rancher against rancher in a state of mind where laws prohibiting concealed carry and automated weaponry don’t exist, so hidden agendas and heavy artillery are the rule of the day. We’re not content to let anti-ag groups kill us off one-by-one when we can do it much more efficiently ourselves. Sounding a sensible and widely ‘Twittered’ warning about the impending assisted suicide mission in Ft. Collins, Colorado Cattle Association President Robbie LeValley said, “We are all cattle producers and we should not be circling the wagons and shooting inward!" The cattle industry is looking at a future filled with legal briefs, not better marketing efforts. With an in depth audit of checkoff dollar expenditures looming, there is a real chance NCBA and CBB will meet in court over their existing relationship and family squabbles over money always get nasty. GIPSA’s bright new idea, the subject of the Ft. Collins clash, could turn out to be an absolute boondoggle for the industry and cash cow for the legal profession. If it’s enacted, the NCBA and NPPC will probably be joined by several other large special interest groups and their legal advisors in the nearest federal court to demand it be rescinded. If it’s not enacted, R-CALF and friends will head into that same court room to demand it be revived...more

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