Sunday, August 08, 2010

The ruling elite called

I just got off the horn with the Ruling Elite. We had an emergency conference call and to tell you the truth, they ain't happy. You little people are not responding the way you are supposed to...These damn bloggers, with their facts and critical thinking, are throwing a wrench into the gears. Obama and his crack team are working round the clock to lock down the internet, but it will take time...The worshippers of Keynes, that rule the country, are pissed off at you. Don't you realize that government spending of your money, borrowed from the Chinese, with the bill passed to your grandchildren, was supposed to reinvigorate your animal spirits...Here is the message from the ruling elite to you ignorant masses: Debt got us into this mess and it sure as hell is going to get us out...more

You better read this to find out how you're screwing up.

There is also a 10 point plan for you to get back in the good graces of the ruling elite.


Tick said...

According to my answering machine the ruling elite has called me three times in less than a week. I love my answering machine.

I wonder why the ruling elite never knocks on my door.

Frank DuBois said...

**I wonder why the ruling elite never knocks on my door.**

Be glad they haven't.

Tick said...

They don't knock on my door 'cause of the fear in their heart and the jelly in their knees. Besides it being a mile from the house out to the county road and it takes a helicopter with mud chains to get back here. I don't think the guvmint is smart enough to put mud chains on their choppers.

Frank DuBois said...

Sounds like you don't plan to follow the 10 point plan. :-)