Monday, January 03, 2011

Montana Senate President Peterson urges 'Code of the West'

As a Christmas present, new Senate President Jim Peterson gave each of his fellow Senate Republicans a copy of a book he'll likely be quoting from often during the upcoming legislative session. The book is "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from the Code of the West," by James P. Owen, a longtime Wall Street businessman who in 2004 became dismayed by corporate scandals and societal discord in America. Owen launched a second career as an author, examining ways to build on and strengthen the foundation of shared values in American society. Peterson, a farmer and rancher from Buffalo, talked about the book and its sequel enthusiastically during the November meeting at the Capitol where GOP senators chose him as their top officer for the 2011 Montana Legislature. He can practically quote by heart Owen's "Code of the West," which includes these principles to live by: "Live each day with courage. Take pride in your work. Always finish what you start. Do what has to be done. Be tough but fair. When you make a promise, keep it. Ride for the brand. Talk less and say more. Remember that some things aren't for sale. Know where to draw the line." Peterson is having a bill drafted to designate this Code of the West as the "Code of Montana."...more

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