Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama urges repeal of tax breaks for oil firms

Seizing on an unexpected political opportunity, President Obama urged Congress to repeal tax breaks for oil companies and said he was "heartened" that the Republican House speaker had revived the idea. Although Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) may have veered a bit from GOP talking points on taxes this week — telling a television interviewer that the government is low on revenue and oil companies ought to pay "their fair share" — an aide said Boehner did not advocate the sweeping repeal of subsidies that the president supported. But Obama tried to make the most of the speaker's comments, which came in an ABC "World News" interview Monday. The president dashed off a letter to congressional leaders Tuesday reminding them that "high oil and gasoline prices are weighing on the minds and pocketbooks of every American family."...more

In his never-ending quest to sound "reasonable" and "moderate" to the national media Boehner has made another dumb statement.

Obama baby saw an opening and pounced. Even Pelosi is getting in on the act.

Boehner will, of course, learn nothing from this episode. He will remain reasonably and moderately dumb.


Rocky said...

I'm so confused. Why do you want huge oil corporations to keep getting tax breaks while the rest of us have to fork over 1/3 of our paychecks?

Frank DuBois said...

I don't think you're confused at all.

My comments were about the blunder by Boehner, and I didn't address the tax issue.

I support lower taxes for everyone, including those of us who "have to fork over 1/3 of our paychecks."

I also oppose the feds picking winners and losers in the market, such as they've done with the oil companies and others. Whatever the corporate tax rate, it should be the same for all, with no exceptions or special breaks for anyone.

Taxes should be for raising revenue, not social engineering or responding to whomever has the best lobbyists.