Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Enviro long knives out for Pearce

The Great Emancipator
We finally have a Congressman who sides with the well-being of humans over habitat for wolves & lizards and Kevin Bixby just can't stand it.

The enviros have been using the ESA as a land use planning tool for decades. Pearce is trying to put a stop to that nonsense and based on his column in today's Sun-News, Bixby is one unhappy envirocrat.

The WW II bombers pilots have a saying, “When you experience flak, it means you’re over the target!”

I'd say you're on target Mr. Peace.

Emancipate us from the environmental agenda.


Chris and Paula Sichler said...

Absolutetly "On Target!"
Keep up the GOOD work Congressman!

Anonymous said...

Go Steve! Give them Hell. Don't let the MSM moonbats spoil your aim.