Thursday, June 09, 2011

Cops: No sign illegal killed Steins man

Did illegal immigrants gun down a well-known businessman in cold blood? His family and investigators spoke about the murder near the Mexican border. They are shocked that someone shot and murdered the 68-year-old Tuesday in Hidalgo County. Border Patrol agents said Wednesday there is no evidence illegal immigrants were involved in the murder. No matter who killed him, the family is devastated. “He was a father and a husband and a grandfather,” Pamela Link said. Link and his wife recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Family members said they do not want Link's murder used for political gain or as a debating point on illegal immigration. Link's family also said it does not want his murder linked to last year's murder of a rancher just across the state line and closer to Mexico in Arizona. Investigators believe that killer was an illegal immigrant. Robert Krentz had just radioed his brother telling him he'd found an illegal immigrant on his land. Then he was dead...more

Here's the KRQE video report:

Cops: No sign illegal killed Steins man:

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