Monday, September 17, 2012

Forest Fires & Terrorists - video

An interesting video, with a presentation by the former editor of Aviation Week.

1 comment:

FredericMiddleton said...

Threat is real. This is not the first terrorist concept of utilizing flammable natural resources to interfere with citizen’s day to day lives. It will also include Water.

Larger Air Tanker fleet as proposed may or may not be a beginning solution. Forest overgrowth (referenced Doghair forest) - no management is contributing to the current complex claim that warming is driving the frequency and size of wildland fire. The terrorist and wildland fire do not recognize forest-management from no-management. 8-10 Years (post sustain yield harvesting) ago one estimated cost to manage a stand of conifer forest nationwide from that day forward would be estimated at 300 billion. No one knows the real actuate costs - never having been contemplated by man in the last 5000 years.

There is a partial solution in plain sight. It will take political courage to implement. This courage is within the window of wildland fire referenced IA (pronounced I A) Initial Attack is the first 2 burning hours of any wildland fire. Either man or nature caused. Strategic consideration must be Pre-Planned within designated water-shed groups, without political dictation. The second component to wildland fire management within Burn-No Burn consideration called Extended Attack period/time-frame that is significant (more than IA) augmentation of Containment resources in the 1st Burn Period (10am to 10am).

Strategic pre-plan must include the fire physics that will dictate where and when an unwanted fire is contained. Air Tankers alone will not effectively contain a fire without applied ground forces commensurate with fuel and terrain. For every hour of a fire advancing will complicate the logistical implementation of every wildland fire. Some of these considerations were actualized during WW2 and West Coast forest fire management.

Physics consideration is that a given Local-Weather day fire cannot effectively be contained mid slope. And for the same reason that early harvesting by oxen-mule was done most effectively on ridge tops once the easy timber at lower access points was abused-over harvested. The pre-planned ridge tops of containment points (PLD - primary line of defense) would need pre-fire day preparation created by man in a Fuel Break, which is significantly different than a Fire Break.

The discussion of how and why was thoroughly anvil-hammered during the 1950-1980 National Forest management period. A forest must by its own nature pay for itself to survive.
The current hazard-fuel management is in part ineffective. There are 'fire weather days' naturally occurring that No fire will be stopped once it grows outside of IA considerations.

Law of Physics prevail in wildland fire.