Tuesday, January 08, 2013

New Grouse Study Focuses on Spring Grazing

By 2015, federal biologists will decide the fate of the sage grouse — if its plight merits listing it as endangered. A group of Idaho researchers are already looking beyond that date, planning a 10-year study of how spring grazing affects the bird’s habitat. One goal is to provide ranchers with advice and information on grazing practices after a possible grouse listing, said Karen Launchbaugh, a range scientist with the University of Idaho. The university would partner with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and possibly other agencies for the study.  “We all know sage grouse are pending listing in 2015. A lot of people would like to put in research to help that decision,” Launchbaugh said. “This won’t. Our goals are longer than that. Sage grouse are declining at a rate of concern and we are going to have to figure out how to graze after a decision is made.” Spring grazing will be the primary focus of the new study, Launchbaugh said. During the same time ranchers release their livestock for spring grazing, sage grouse use the southern Idaho desert for nesting. One of the study’s goals is to determine if that spring grazing has a negative effect during a sensitive time for the grouse...more


johnr said...

It is not grazing. It is coyotes, ravens, crows, magpies, and spring storms.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is that these birds have evolved over thousands of years and now all of a sudden the are imperiled? It is all baloney science funded by the taxpayer and it needs to STOP!