Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can Idaho turn a profit with federal lands?

Idaho could net $51 million to $75 million annually if it convinced the federal government to turn over 16.4 million acres of its land to the state. That's the conclusion of a quick analysis by the Idaho Department of Lands in response to lawmakers considering demanding a federal public land transfer like Utah has done. The $75 million is based on the revenues that could be returned after a 15-year transition of 7 million acres of forest land that foresters estimated could yield 800 million board feet of timber annually. Another 9.5 million acres of rangeland were considered, but the agency estimated there would be no profit in it for the state. And, unlike Utah, there is no known oil and gas resources and few minerals on the lands proposed for transfer. The state also would have to reserve the right to reject any lands that have abandoned mines or other hazardous wastes that could increase the state's financial liability, State Lands Department Director Tom Schultz said in a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate resource committees...more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, is 800 million board feet a year sustainable?

Interesting they reject the land they don't think has value...might just end up like the lands the gov. gave the these land have some of the best oil, coal, shale, and gas reserves in the country.

It's all about the me the money!

Food for thought.