Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 – Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 – Fax: 360-687-2973
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Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE – Washington, DC
Expansion of Largely Unknown Treaty Used By Obama To
Expand Power To Control Lands and Waters.
Approximately 600 Million Acres at issue by U.S./Canada
Commission Proposing Massive Expansion of Jurisdiction over Lands & Waters
in Northern States and Canada
*Problem:* Attempt by Obama Administration to use various
wetlands and water jurisdiction tools to gain control over all lands and waters
to achieve the goals they failed to win in the last Congress with the Clean
Water Restoration Act by former Congressman James Oberstar (D-MN) and former Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI).
This was the bill that tried to remove the word
*“Navigable”* from the Clean Water Act. The Obama Administration is still
trying to bypass the word “Navigable” through its new EPA, Corps of Engineers
“Wetlands Guidance Regulations” which Congress is trying to defund.
*Through an International Watershed Initiative*, the
Obama Administration is working to expand the jurisdiction of a largely unknown
*International Joint Commission (IJC)*, created by the 1909 Boundary Waters
Treaty between the U.S. and Canada, proposing to expand their jurisdiction
beyond border waters to include entire international watersheds.
-----See map of full jurisdiction boundaries at It is
right on the home page under International Joint Commission.
-----It is estimated that these watersheds include over
600 million acres of lands and waters and possibly a lot more. For example, the
International Joint Commission during the Obama Administration has added a plan
to expand their jurisdiction over the entire *Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem
Area* that you stopped the BLM and Forest Service from taking jurisdiction over
Just the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Basin Plan
area is 144 million acres including all of eastern Washington, eastern Oregon,all
of Idaho, western Montana and smaller parts of California, Utah and Wyoming.
The International Joint Commission is proposing to expand
its jurisdiction to include massive areas of all the border states and some
other northern tier states from Washington to Maine using watershed and
ecosystems management as their tools.
Their plan is to use Watershed Management to spread
expanded jurisdiction across as much of the United States as possible.
*The International Joint Commission (IJC) is going far
beyond anything in the original scope of the treaty.*
The three U.S. Commissioners are presidential appointees.
The Chairman, Lana Pollack, was appointed by President Obama in 2010. She is
the former President of the Michigan Environmental Council, comprised of 70
environmental organizations.
-----Like 13 federal agencies, the Commission subscribes
to an ecosystems management policy, adopted in 1993 by former Vice President Al
-----Ecosystems management, which is just a theory, has
never been approved by Congress and has been discredited by ecologists since
World War II. For background, read Alston Chase’s great book, “In A Dark Wood.”
The Commission has enormous influence with Federal
regulatory agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Corps of
Engineers, National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service and U. S. Bureau of Land Management.
A pilot project has just been approved for northern
Minnesota and northwest Ontario by both the US and Canadian governments through
the U.S. State Department and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs.
This pilot project is intended to be a model for
governance and is likely to broaden regulatory powers and management by the US
Regulatory Agencies.
The intent of this pilot project is to create a
government model that can be applied to the other international watersheds and
will likely lead to the expansion of regulatory powers and jurisdiction by US
regulatory agencies.
*Additional pilot projects are being planned* for other
areas in the border and northern states and Canada. The program represents a
new and imminent threat to private property rights, state’s rights, rural
America, local communities, access and use of Federal lands, outdoor
recreation, small business, mining, timber harvesting, energy production, and
other interests.
Here are some bullet points about the first pilot project
of the IJC Minnesota/Canada pilot project for this massive initiative that the
Commission intends to spread across the country:
-----The 184-page IJC report concluded that "there
is broad agreement that water quality is threatened, that ecosystem health is
deteriorating, that communication is not encompassing, and that current
government mechanisms are fragmented." (Note: This not only appears to be
blatantly false, but an insult to local people, their elected officials, and
state and local agencies).
-----The report further concludes that the IJC's ongoing
efforts will "most importantly, be best for the watershed itself."
(Think about what this statement means!).
-----The IJC appointed a long-time National Park Service
employee to a newly created 'citizen member' position on an important control
board, apparently without any formal application process (Note: This is a clear
conflict of interest and a mockery of the democratic process).
-----A U.S. district court judge ruled that the designation
of a federal wilderness area in northern Minnesota did not conflict with the
Boundary Waters Treaty because it was a latter-enacted statute
(Note: A U.S. statute cannot trump a treaty--this is
taught in law school 101!)
-----The same judge ruled that the U.S. had no reason to
believe that banning dozens of border lakes to motorized recreation was in
error because Canada had already closed the Canadian portion of dozens of
border lakes to motorized recreation. The Canadian Government, in a formal legal
opinion, strongly disagreed with the opinion of the U.S.
Judge by saying that Ontario, not Canada, closed the
lakes, and that Canada, not Ontario is a party to the Treaty. (Note: This is
also taught in law school 101). This issue still hasn't been resolved.
-----In a lawsuit challenging National Park Service
boating restrictions on border waters, the case was referred to a federal
magistrate instead of going directly to District Court where it belonged (How
in the world can this happen?)
-----The federal magistrate ruled in favor of the
National Park Service (Surprise, surprise!).
-----A boater's association later discovered that
approximately 45 minutes were missing from the hearing transcript in the above
case. Requests to review the audio tape of the hearing were
refused by the court
The IJC has no business expanding their domain until
existing Treaty conflicts have been resolved.
Solution:* A grassroots organizational effort by local
people and their elected officials at all levels is needed to prevent further
Federal expansion and control of lands and waters by the *IJC and U.S.
Regulatory Agencies and other Obama water initiatives*.
This effort must be nationwide copying your successful
nationwide defeat of CARA, the Conservation and Reinvestment Act in 2000 and
the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Plan in the 90’s.
It has been demonstrated that local alternatives to top-down
federal programs are better, faster, and cheaper, and more consistent with
constitutional principles.
*Action Items:*
-----1. Please forward this e-mail to at least 10 other
people. Your whole list if possible. You can edit out the appeal by American
Land Rights for contributions if you wish. We hope you won’t but this message
is so important that it needs to spread like wildfire.
-----2. Contact both your Senators by calling (202)
Or write: (send by fax it you can): Honorable (Your Senator),
US Senate, Washington DC, 20510. Ask for the fax number when you call.
-----3. Call your Congressman at (202) 225-3121. Write
(use fax if you
can) your Congressman at: Honorable (Your
Representative), US House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515.
Be sure to ask for the staff persons e-mail and fax when
you call.
-----4. Call your county commissioners and other local
elected officials, legislators. Alert them to this pending threat to your
rights and property. Ask them to demand that the International Joint Commission
(IJC) hold hearings in affected areas and that the House and Senate hold
Congressional hearings on this issue before it gets off the ground.
Ask your Members of the House and Senate to use whatever
tools they have to block the IJC until Congress gets a chance to place the IJC
under control. Congress must take away funding for the IJC.
Please join American Land Rights and many other groups in
stopping the International Joint Commission from taking control of a huge area
of the United States.
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