Monday, July 01, 2013

Notes on The Westerner and Song Of The Day

Here is the explanation (short version) for the constantly changing appearance of The Westerner.

First, Firefox all of a sudden wouldn’t let me into blogger. 

So, I switched to Chrome. 

Worked great except it would pick up stuff when I would copy and paste which didn’t match with the color scheme on The Westerner, or added other stuff I didn’t want.

So, I changed the template so there would be a simple white background. 

Some didn’t like that template so I changed to the template you see today.

Chrome also did some things I didn’t like in the email version of The Westerner.  So there for awhile I was using Chrome to do the blog, then switching to Firefox to do the email version.

Now, Firefox is working again, but I’m staying with the white background just in case.

Please let me know if you have any comments, pro or con, on the current version.

On Song of the Day, I had several complaints over the years from people who couldn’t play them.  This I ignored, figuring “this is the best I can do folks” and besides, most people could play the songs.

Then came the email from Mom. 

She couldn’t play the songs anymore.  Suddenly, “this is the best I can do folks” wasn’t going to cut it.

I tried several different players, but none of them worked for everybody.  Then I tried YouTube, and it worked for everyone who’d had trouble before.

That’s great, except I’ve had to learn how to use MovieMaker…and I’m still learning.  Should be starting up again this week.


Tick said...

Ol' son, seems like you just keep gettin' snake bit by dat whole basic full of dem snake.

Frank DuBois said...

Yes, in many ways technology has freed me, but in other ways...dem snakies get after this poor ol crip.