Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Got Milk? Only In California: National Industry Group Drops Slogan

You can take away an advertising slogan, but you can never take my milk mustache indicating that I do, indeed, have milk. The Milk Processor Education Program is dropping its 29-year-old tagline “Got Milk?” in favor of a new one to highlight how nutritional the stuff is. Only the California group is keeping the slogan instead of switching to “Milk Life.” The national dairy milk industry is facing stiff competition from non-dairy products like soy, rice and almond milk, and as such decided it was time to introduce a new national campaign. Got Milk? was first used by the California Milk Processor Board in 1993, which then licensed the use of the phrase to the national group in 1995. That group will still use the tagline. The problem is people don’t seem to be drinking much milk anymore, and while the old tagline was popular,focus now is on things like the protein content of milk as it tries to compete with other beverages, notes Advertising Age...more

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