Monday, March 31, 2014

Sen. Lisa Murkowski excoriates Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on Alaska road decision

The birds are putting Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell at "loggerheads." At issue is Jewell's December rejection of a congressionally approved land swap that would have permitted a 10-mile road to run through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. The long-sought road would connect the remote King Cove community to an all-weather airport used for emergency medical evacuations in Cold Bay. But Jewell said a department review found the road would endanger federally protected waterfowl and shorebirds, and that it would consider alternatives. Murkowski, the top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, has said there are no alternatives to the road. An earlier plan to provide a hovercraft proved ineffective, and she said using the Coast Guard for emergencies would be too costly. She threatened to hold up Jewell's nomination over the subject last year but eventually relented.  On Wednesday, though, she made it clear in a Senate Appropriations Environment and Interior Subcommittee hearing that all is not forgotten. "I will never forget the telephone conversation you and I had on December 23rd," Murkowski told Jewell. "I told you at that time, and I have repeated, I cannot convey in words adequate to describe the frustration, the anger, the sadness with which I received that decision." Their relationship is key because Murkowski is in line to take over the Energy Committee, which oversees Interior, if Republicans regain the Senate majority in November.

The article also has this: 

Few people would argue that the Obama administration's priorities would face smooth sailing in a GOP-controlled Senate. But one GOP aide said winning concessions could face roadblocks, with the King Cove situation lingering. "Jewell is someone who has the ability and background to work well with Republicans," a GOP aide said. "But if that doesn’t translate into good relationships with key members — of which Murkowski is one — that’s a major detriment to getting things done."

 That's a veiled threat and one without much clout behind it.  Doubt if one road in Alaska will affect Jewell's relationship with all the GOP senators.  And as far as "getting things done" with all those Wilderness and similar bills in the Committee do we really want them to get things done?  However, if Murkowski goes after Interior's budget in the Appropriations Committee, that could get their attention.  She won't though...there's too many goodies in there for Alaska (60% of Alaska is owned by the feds).  Which leads to the following:

Still, Murkowski said a 90-minute meeting with Jewell on Tuesday was "very respectful" and that the two "acknowledged we have many issues to work on." It appears Murkowski's options to force a reversal may be limited. She said she's hoping to convince Jewell to reopen the decision. A legislative tack is also an option.

If Murkowski gets language in the approp's bill will Jewell recommend a veto?  Probably not and especially not if its a bundle of approp's bills like they've done recently. 

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