Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bundy supporter OWNS Chris Hayes on MSNBC: ‘We will not allow governance by gunpoint, ever’

Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore clashed with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes regarding rancher Cliven Bundy’s conflict with the federal government on Friday. As Hayes pressed Fiore about her position on the standoff, she relentlessly criticized the government’s handling of the situation. “Why are you there near the Bundy ranch tonight celebrating?” Hayes asks. “Questioning why the heck the federal government felt the need to come in armed to collect an unpaid bill. I mean, that was pretty bold and blatant,” Fiore said. “I mean, generally when my — when our federal government comes in armed, we’re expecting a bigger problem… We will not allow governance by gunpoint, ever.” When Hayes asked if Fiore agreed with Cliven Bundy, Fiore grew angry. “No, Chris. Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not saying I agree with Cliven Bundy. What I’m saying is the way this was handled is really suspicious,” she replied. “I mean, if we literally sent our federal government to the borders to secure ‘em against terrorists crossing, hey, I got that. But they want to come here with arms because cows are grazing? That’s uh — Chris, I’m sorry, I think you’re out of your mind.” After pointing out that the damages Bundy owes haven’t even been defined, Fiore went in for the kill. “If you owed the federal government money, Chris, do you want them coming to your house pointing guns at your wife and children? Is that OK with you?” “No,” Hayes replied. “But is it OK with you if every rancher in the country stops paying their grazing fees?” Fiore said no, but insisted, “Don’t come here with guns and expect the American people not to fire back.”...more


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