Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bundy supporters party, welcome ‘domestic terrorist’ label

Wearing a cowboy hat and with a copy of the U.S. Constitution poking from his shirt pocket, controversial rancher Cliven Bundy on Friday asked dozens of supporters of his cattle-grazing feud with federal land managers what they thought of U.S. Sen. Harry Reid calling them “domestic terrorists.” “Are you guys domestic terrorists?” he asked the crowd gathered around a stage near the north bank of the Virgin River. The supporters, many wearing name tags that said “domestic terrorist,” erupted with cheers and applause. “That’s what I thought. I thought Harry was right,” said the 67-year-old Bundy, who was accompanied by armed escorts. He made the statement before a “Patriot Party” that started at 5 p.m. with music by Madison Rising and Ron Keel, who sang with Black Sabbath briefly in 1984. A party atmosphere among a few hundred people grew as more supporters trickled in around 5 p.m. Some people were cooling off in the river while dozens of armed militia members wearing camouflaged fatigues patrolled in and around the area. At Friday’s news conference, Bundy said, “We’re not asking the county sheriff to disarm the citizens of the United States. We’re asking the United States to take the government-issued guns away from these people, and when they have uniforms on they shouldn’t be packing a gun.” Asked what he’d do if he was served with a warrant for violating federal laws, Bundy answered, “What I said is, I’d yield to the sheriff but I wouldn’t yield to the feds.” If the sheriff served the warrant he said he’d surrender. “Well, I’d have to.” He said he has a right to graze his cattle on public land, not just a privilege. “They’re rights. And I own those rights,” he said. Bundy told his supporters that they were the heroes in the standoff, not him...more

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