Carl Graham
A Western rancher who has his federal grazing rights restricted
or removed doesn’t just lose a few cows. He loses a multi-generational
investment, a profession, and a legacy to pass on to his children.
An elderly hunter or trail rider who sees motorized access eliminated
from national forest land doesn’t just lose an elk or a nice camping
trip. She loses family bonding and recreational opportunities that have
been passed down from generation to generation.
And a state that becomes more and more dependent on federal aid - aid that's being increasingly squeezed between national
entitlement and debt obligations - isn't just losing
tax dollars
on land owned and operated by bureaucrats in Washington. It's losing
the right to decide how to best educate its children, how to provide for
public safety, and how to meet its citizens' needs.
Self-determination and self-government
are what’s really at stake in the federal lands debate picking up steam
in the West. This isn’t about dollars and cents, at least not for those
with the most to lose. It’s about basic fairness and preserving the
viability and values of our rural production economy.
We can see this by simply noting who's manning the barricades against
overreaching and often counterproductive federal policies. Ranchers in Nevada are riding to Bureau of Land Management district offices in protest of needless grazing restrictions. ATV riders in Utah are risking arrest by protesting closures on trails they've enjoyed for generations. County commissioners in New Mexico
are threatening to dismantle new federal roadblocks that cut off
ranchers' cattle from needed - and previously accessible - water.
...We in the West know land uses are not
zero-sum. The economic pie can grow to everyone’s benefit, and most
public lands can be – and were meant to be – put to multiple, often
complementary uses. Hunters use logging roads. Sage grouse use grazing
lands. Energy development creates infrastructure, which in turn makes
land more accessible to other users. And people who have a stake in the
land are the best managers and conservationists. States get this, and
that’s why they manage their own lands more responsibly and profitably
than the federal government.
National parks,
wilderness areas, and other special lands are the exception, and they
should stay that way. But they make up a small fraction of the federal
estate, generally less than 15 percent of all federal lands within a
state. Non-park or wilderness federal lands run between 20 million and
about 30 million acres in most Western states. That's an area about the
size of Virginia - per state.
Those federal lands designated for multiple use would, if turned over
to the states, restore a balance between preservation and the
responsible economic uses that put food on our tables, power our
industries, provide building materials and heat for our homes, and fuel
our vehicles.
Carl Graham is Director of Sutherland Institute's Coalition for Self-Government in the West.
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