Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Baxter Black - The attack on RFDtv

Who would like RFDtv off the air? Or “U.S. Farm Report”? Who would like Farm Bureaus shut down, along with the National Cattlemen’s Association, Pork Producers, Egg Council, Northern Ag Network, Range Magazine, the Farm Journal, and the Brownfield Ag Network? Who would like to make it illegal for movie stars, sports stars, heroes, singers and baby calves to be pictured with a milk moustache?

Answer: Any person or group that does not want people to know where their food comes from. The first one that comes to mind is the Humane Society of the U.S. (not associated with the local Humane Society in your hometown). This group makes a living trying to make farmers and ranchers look bad. I don’t question their motive; it’s a job, it’s how they pay the bills. They come to work each day and send out letters asking for the cash so they can fight evil farmers and ranchers. As long as they can keep donors misinformed and misled about the truth, the cash keeps comin’ in.

Another critical factor is to portray agriculture, be it modern or homegrown, as inhumane, environmentally harmful and run by insensitive country hicks who have no real moral attachment to the animals and the land ... that it’s all about money. This is easy for them because so much of their own time and effort is dedicated to the pursuit of cash. There seem to be endless quasi-associations seeking funds to “protect and enhance the wildlife and habitat, the heritage and natural resources.” They pop up every time someone can find a cause that will stimulate the cash flow. But just having a good cause is not enough. They must create a straw man to portray the enemy. That eliminates any deep inspection of the validity of their cause, and ranchers and farmers, hunters, miners, lumberjacks and oilfield roughnecks fill their bill.

Another influential group that doesn’t want people to know where their food comes from are politicians with a prejudice against those who work the land. Their reasons are usually personal, some childhood animosity now being repaid because they have the power or a guilt complex because they were born with a golden spoon.

RFDtv is being dropped from some media networks intent on merging. The reason given is that a network about and for agriculture is not relevant to modern urban viewers. But agriculture on television is one of the few places where consumers can get to know where their food comes from. The presence of agriculture is growing. It’s not uncommon to see or hear news stories about farmers and ranchers. Most are good. Most reporters are reasonable folks who eat bacon and hamburger. They have a general concept that global population growth will demand more food, and that the USDA is involved with keeping our food safe.

Like most Americans, they trust farmers and ranchers and expect us to stay on top of things. We continue to educate and include curious urban consumers in our thinking. We invite them to see for themselves, to know the truth about our business and to show them where their food really comes from. And that, my friends, is the last thing the Humane Society of the U.S. and vengeful offended politicians want them to know.



Kathleen - Gilmer TX said...

America is the greatest place to live! Let these groups go to other countries and try to do the things they do. There is evil everywhere and everybody has their own agenda. I'm a horse lover but I knew what removing the equine slaughter facilities would to the horse market, and sure enough it did. It's gonna get worse before it gets better, when Jesus returns!

Cathy Hill said...

A sign of the bad times. The HSUS has nothing whatsoever with a single actual animal shelter, and they have the gall to actually tell you that. They are never interested in actually helping animals and I have proof of that too. They are a rather scary "entity" but certainly not a protector of caregiver to animals.

If my satellite television company drops RFDTV, I will drop them. Having a link, like RFDTV and the others, that hold the farmers together and does such a wonderful job to educate those interested in being educated is essential in these days.

The volume of Farmer's Markets in our area that have come to life in recent years is a positive message.

People are finally waking up to the fact that Farmers and Ranchers feed them, companies do not. These local, fresh markets are selling everything from fresh milk, meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Hardly anything left that needs to come from the grocery and people are coming and buying them out every day they're open here!

The health and well being of the Nation depends on the Farmers and Ranchers and it's only when corporations slide in to make a profit off of them, that the consumer suffers. It is not so surprising, then, that corporations would attack the Farmers, Ranchers and any one who supports them.

What can we do? Speak your piece people! Contact your carriers and tell them how you feel about the farmers channels. If we don't step in now, who will? We Know who will if we don't.....don't we?