Thursday, August 14, 2014

Immigrant Children to Be Classified as 'Homeless' to Avoid School Enrollment Documentation Requirements

In response to an inquiry about unaccompanied minors from one of its school divisions, Virginia’s Department of Education issued a memo this month reminding its 132 divisions about their obligation to educate all children. “In light of the heightened media coverage of the issue of undocumented immigrant children, VDOE provides the following updated information for your use in responding to community questions or issues,” says the memo distributed to the commonwealth’s 132 school divisions and obtained by Breitbart News. The memo to Virginia’s school divisions stressed the need to provide all children “equal access to an education” and highlighted the updated guidance from the Obama administration providing more flexibility on the documentation students need to enroll in public schools. “Such equal access extends to children who come into the United States from other countries without an adult guardian. These children are referred to as unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in federal statutes,” the memo explains. More than 2,850 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been placed with sponsors in Virginia. According to the memo, under federal and Virginia law, the state expects that many of the unaccompanied minors who enroll in public school will be considered “homeless.”...more


Most Dance said...

I think that such classification can seem insulting for the people who have moved to another and have an ordinary life and good families. If the process of preparing documents is too complicated, the government should do something for these people. However, it seems that every year, they do everything to create tougher conditions. There are so many talented children from such families, thus it is much more difficult for them to study. I think, we should help them, offering writers services or additional courses. But, I know that not many people will support me.

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