Sunday, August 03, 2014

New EPA water rules could drive property rights into a ditch


The 1972 Clean Water Act requires anyone putting anything into a navigable or interstate watercourse or wetland to get a permit from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers. Tributaries to such watercourses are covered, but the word “tributary” was not defined. Now, for the first time, in pending regulations, the EPA proposes to do so.

A ditch can be a tributary. They are mentioned explicitly in the rule. They are excluded only if they “do not contribute flow, either directly or through another water, to” a watercourse already reached by the EPA’s jurisdiction. They don’t have to carry water continuously. “Intermittently” or “ephemerally” is sufficient.

How can the EPA tell if there is such a connection to another watercourse? The “tributary connection may be traced using direct observation or U.S. Geological Survey maps, aerial photography or other reliable remote sensing information, or other appropriate information,” according to the EPA’s announced rule.

In 1978, the Supreme Court announced that a federal regulatory agency could enter private property, without a warrant, to ascertain whether a commercial activity subject to federal regulation was complying with that regulation, so long as the search was pursuant to a randomized pattern of searches, and not the result of special targeting. With the EPA’s explicit mention of aerial photography and remote sensing information, it’s fair to conclude EPA will overfly farmland, using infrared and photographic surveillance, to determine where water connects. Obviously, drones would be helpful in this undertaking, and no warrant would be needed.

The California Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau are opposing this first-ever reach by the EPA and Corps of Engineers to regulate even ditches on farmland. The federal agencies defend themselves, saying they are attempting to lend clarity to the law. They claim all they want is to regulate those waters that have a significant nexus to what we would all grant are serious watercourses, potential pollution of which is of concern to us all.

They have a point: A farmer should not be allowed to put cyanide into a ditch that flows into a lake from which drinking water is taken. And if that is what the proposed regulation said, few would oppose it.

What the EPA and Army Corps miss, however, is that by asserting jurisdiction first, and later filling in the substantive details of the regulation, the agencies are subjecting landowners of all kinds, but especially farmers, to the slow death of requiring prior approval. There is no law mandating that a regulatory agency move expeditiously. If, in normal agricultural operations, a farmer moves topsoil into a ditch that occasionally carries water, prior approval would be needed. Farms can’t operate under a regime of asking permission for actions as mundane as that.

EPA might answer that it would never impose a prior-approval requirement for filling in a ditch. Maybe not; but once its proposed rule goes into force, it could.

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