Sunday, March 01, 2015

Experts say ranching done right improves the environment and wildlife habitat

By Temple Grandin 

The Society for Range Management (SRM) and ranchers and range professionals who participate in SRM are doing wonderful things with grazing to improve rangeland and plant biodiversity. The problem is that the public does not know anything about it.

After spending two days at this informative meeting in Sacramento, Calif., I read a very negative article on cattle wrecking rangeland in a recent issue of Harper’s magazine. These types of articles lead the public to believe that cattle should be removed from public lands.

Yet, the SRM meeting featured many sessions that showed how well managed grazing can provide habitat for wildlife. The water sources that ranchers provide for their cattle also provide water for endangered species such as the California Condor. Both our industry and SRM need to better communicate with the public on environmental stewardship.

Several speakers explained that humans have influenced the ecology of the rangeland for centuries. Chuck Striplen, University of California-Berkeley (UCB) associate environmental scientist and a member of the Amiah Mutson Tribal Board, explained how the historical use of rangeland needs to be studied. He says that western rangelands have never been a pristine wilderness untouched by humans. He says we have forgotten the original effects of Native Americans on the land and ecology. Learning about the long-term historical effects of humans on rangeland can aid in the development of best management practices.

Lynn Huntsinger, a California rancher and UCB professor of environmental science, explains that maintenance of ranches will prevent loss of valuable ecosystems. When ranches are maintained, the land will not be sold for development. In her talk, she explained how stock ponds have served as habitat for endangered Tiger Salamanders...

Temple Grandin is an animal behaviorist and a professor in Colorado State University’s Department of Animal Science.

BEEF, the nation’s leading cattle publication, annually publishes 12 monthly issues for America’s top cow-calf operators, stocker-growers, cattle feeders, veterinarians, nutritionists and allied industries, covering production, animal health, nutrition, finance and marketing issues.

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