Many times quotations are truncated to change the original meaning. When the larger quote is examined, a very different meaning often emerges. For example, most say, “Money is the root of all evil” when the full quote of Timothy 6:10 is “The love of money is the root of all evil”. This addition creates a very different emphasis and perspective...A frequently used quote in the climate debate quotes in “Science Under Siege” by Michael Fumento is Senator Timothy Wirth’s,
“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing,
When you add the latter part of the sentence that says, “in terms of economic policy and environmental policy ” a different understanding emerges. What is the “economic policy”? The answer is the economic redistribution of wealth by the government, or socialism. Now the quote parallels what Pope Francis is identifying in his Encyclical “Laudato Si”.
Global warming was always that, the problem is most people still don’t know, although there are signs they are learning. The recent Pew Center poll indicates more people recognize global warming as a political issue. Publication of an article on WUWT discussing the ongoing debate about humans and their role in nature is another indicator. I commend Anthony Watts for recognizing the need for airing a wider context for the debate. The problem is most don’t know or understand the political issues involved. Few are aware of the link between global warming, climate change, and overpopulation. Most don’t know that the objectives of the United Nations Environment Program, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were to demand population reduction because too many people were using too many resources and destroying the Earth.
The person who believed this vehemently was Hans Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) so he became a senior advisor to the Vatican. He is a member of the IPCC, which might explain his appointment...
The latest Encyclical by Pope Francis is a revolutionary document in which it appears Pope Francis decided that overpopulation is a bigger problem than Church doctrine, especially when the increased population is industrialized, developed and prosperous. These are exactly the positions underlying the goals of the UN Agenda 21, the White House, and most other nations. Like them, the Encyclical uses global warming as a front for a political agenda...
Overpopulation is the central concern of environmentalism and environmentalists. The concern obtained global and political attention in the 1960s through the Club of Rome and, in particular, the publication of Paul Ehrlich’s book The Population Bomb. Overpopulation remained a central issue through the 1970s and 1980s but moved to the background after 1988 when James Hansen appeared before the US Senate subcommittee and began the shift in the public arena to global warming. Publication of the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report in 1990 shifted the focus to global warming in the scientific and political arena.
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