Thursday, November 05, 2015

Inslee caught advising other Democrats how to spread climate change lies

Extreme “greenies” rallied around the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new power plant regulations earlier this year by attacking the credibility of critics. Memos circulated by a dozen Democrat governors spelled out talking points and political messaging tips in support of the regulations, the purpose being to “sow doubts about our opponents [sic] motives.” One memo, sent specifically to Jay Inslee and disgraced former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber by the Democrat polling firm Hart Research Associates, warns that voters generally shared the concerns of Republican critics of the regulation. In order to combat public opinion, the memo essentially advises the governors to begin circulating lies. Via the Washington Free Beacon,

“The memo, based on Hart research, was particularly troubled by rate hike concerns among ‘our most vulnerable support groups (independents, younger women, moderate Democrats).’ Supporters of the regulation needed to prevent them ‘from turning against the plan,’ the memo said.

“It proposed that Democrats ‘strongly and consistently sow doubts about our opponents motives when responding to any criticism of the Climate Action Plan or its components,’ including EPA regulations.

“‘The key to success is a visible adversary,’ the memo said. ‘In this case, that adversary is power companies, though this line of messaging easily could be adapted to encompass the coal industry or any other dirty energy advocate.’

Another talking points memo urged governors to attack power companies by labeling them “polluters” who “avoid paying their fair share” on taxes. If this sounds familiar, it’s because these are the exact words Inslee used to push his cap-and-tax proposal during the 2015 legislative session.

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