Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ted Cruz tours border, stumps at Phoenix rally

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz toured Arizona's border with Mexico Friday and then turned his attention to voters in Phoenix at a rally at a Christian college that brought out thousands of committed and potential supporters. The Arizona travels for the Texas senator began with a group of ranchers at the border near Douglas just days before the state's voters go to the polls. He marveled at the flimsy fence that separates the two countries at that point. "My 5-year-old could climb this in about three seconds," Cruz said as the local sheriff and a rancher gave him the tour. "''President Obama tells us the border's secure. Well, I invite him to move the White House down to the southern border." aking a page from GOP candidate Donald Trump's campaign playbook, he vowed as president to "solve this problem and the border will be secure." Flanked by other cowboy-hatted ranchers later, Cruz told reporters the tour — and tales from ranchers of migrants and drug smugglers breaking into their homes — was a reminder of how the Obama administration failed to secure the border...more

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