Sunday, September 11, 2016

Trans Pacific Partnership(s)

Trans Pacific Partnership(s)
The Rising Tide
By Stephen L. Wilmeth

            From those who suggest our country is on the right track, it is becoming more difficult each day to speculate as to what those folks are actually inhaling to produce such hallucinations.
            Nothing seems to be ‘normal’. Black is white, white is red, and red is merging chameleon-like toward branch water. Not much offers hope in our realm, and, less yet, provides assurance that the conditions that cause alarm will improve.
            We are flying solo in our pursuits.
            Not too many years ago, the number of USDA employees outgrew the number of farmers and ranchers the agency was ostensibly created to serve. Through time, that situation made for interesting discussion, but the impact on the ground was muted by distance from Washington and the attitude and the aptitude of the federal employees that formed the front line. Most of those people were from rural America or they were only one generation removed. They understood the complexity of the folks they served because they remained attached to the heritage and the realities of rural America. They could speak the language. They understood the resource concerns of emphasis. Importantly, they were also under the guidance and leadership that largely elevated the service role of the agencies of their employ. Those conditions are now waning at accelerating rates.
            More and more, archeologists are overseeing grazing and timber harvest initiatives, botanists from the East are filling key management roles in the West, and nary a PhD dissertation be found that is related to production forestry. Philosophy of the human condition is displacing multiple use management and the production of grains and protein are becoming trading chats for international tribunals. Increasingly, the American farmer and rancher are bit players who produce the raw products that serve as a vehicle for seizing more control of the government of the United States.
            The best current example is the debacle being promoted as TPP, or the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It is being touted by the Crown as a major boon for Ag segments. If it is, the good part must be found somewhere else in its 5,544 pages and beyond my attention span to study.
            Even Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, agrees with the immensity of the document. He calculated that 16.6% of the monstrosity actually deals with trade. The rest regulates an “unimaginable” number of things, “including the internet”.
            The tenth chapter suggests the effort is a backdoor immigration plan. There are plans to bring workers from partnership countries here to oversee various administrative duties. This “temporary entry for business persons” calls for providing visas to not just so called professionals but for their spouse(s) and children.
            Reciprocity is not required. Alan Newport reporting for Beef Magazine found in the appendices of Chapter 12 that nearly all other countries don’t have to conform to the demands laid on us. Japan’s limits are very finite. Only certain professionals will be allowed and they must have an equivalent of a Japanese associate degree. Japan is also given broad horizons to conform to taxation demands. They have been given 16 years to reduce their current 74% duty placed on beef. That will equate to more than three full cycles of “professional” trading partner representatives in their country who are required to pack up and go home on five-year visa limitations (the U.S. did not demand any such limits on their “guest workers”).
            Too many people are starting to smell the stench of this debacle. Former assistant secretary of the treasury under Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, says the real function of TPP is to set global corporations above the laws of the nations where they operate.
            William F. Jasper is saying the same thing. “The real agenda behind TPP is to consolidate and centralize economic and political power,” he says.
            Last fall, the American Thinker had an article that outlined the specter that world government and cronyism is at work. They make their case on the basis of seven points that have little to nothing to do with trade. The points are:
1.      There will be a legislative body superior to our congress that will oversee the partnership.
2.      The final document will become a vehicle for Obama to get his climate treaty passed.
3.      The process will, without question, increase legal immigration.
4.      It will reduce the patent protections of U.S. industries not the least of which is pharmaceuticals.
5.      Quotas, not unrestricted sales of U.S. agricultural exports, will grow and be enforced.
6.      There will be increased currency manipulation.
7.      There will be reduced U.S. power and self rule on the world stage.
In short, this is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The underlying goals are
being revealed to be our wildest and worst nightmares.
The Rising Tide
            If our system was based on limited government, these fundamental changes could never be contemplated much less made. The problem is our government isn’t limited and the breadth and scope of its expansion is staggering. There is new Bureau of Labor data that pegs the work force of government (federal, state, and local) at 22,213,000 employees. Manufacturing now employs 12,281,000. There are 1.81 government workers for every American actually making something to sell.
Not really because this country has been shedding manufacturing jobs at a rate of 16,400 workers per month since 1979. It is no secret why American manufacturing is leaving our shores. It is simply to survive the assault of the hordes of bureaucratic megalomaniacs who we are competing to regulate a shrinking body of workers. What TPP and other multi-thousand page legislative actions are demonstrating is that these ultimate power junkies aren’t satisfied with just raping this system.
They are taking aim … at the world.

Stephen L. Wilmeth is a rancher from southern New Mexico. “One way or the other, changes will escalate after November.”

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