Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump victory reverses U.S. energy and environmental priorities; enviros despondent

Donald J. Trump comes into office with a plan to toss out most of what President Obama achieved on energy and the environment. While vowing to “cancel” the international Paris climate accord Obama championed, Trump would also rearrange domestic energy and environmental priorities. He wants to open up federal lands to oil and gas drilling and coal mining. He wants to eliminate regulations he calls needless. He would scrap proposed regulations for tighter methane controls on domestic drillers. And he wants to shrink the role of the Environmental Protection Agency to a mostly advisory one and pull back the Clean Power Plan, Obama’s proposed plan to push utilities toward lower carbon emissions. Although Trump has portrayed himself as the ultimate outsider, in putting together a transition team the New York real estate mogul has chosen veteran Washington insiders, many of them lobbyists for fossil fuel companies and skeptics about climate science...more

And from the enviros: 

“We’re feeling angry and sad and contemplative,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. “Trump is now, as president-elect, soon to be the only head of state on the planet that doesn’t believe in climate change, nor thinks we should do anything about it. That should strike fear in the hearts of every parent in this country.” Asked how the environmental movement would deal with a President Trump, Bill McKibben, founder of the climate action group, said in an email “[I] don’t really know. I think it’s clear that he wants no part of environmental progress, and I imagine the damage from this election will be measured in geologic time. We will do what we can, but truthfully the path forward is not all that clear to me.” Other environmental group leaders tried to rally their supporters, vowing to use any means they could to fight the reversal what they see as the positive environmental progress of recent years. “Sixteen years ago when faced with the election of President Bush, the environmental community utilized the courts, the Senate filibuster, watch-dogged political appointees and galvanized the public to take action,” Erich Pica, president of Friends of the Earth, said in an email early this morning. “We will have to take these same actions against a President Trump to protect the gains that the American people want for clean and clean water.  After the fights to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, the fights to ban fracking, and the successful efforts to shutdown coal plants, the environmental movement is stronger than we have ever been.” Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, acknowledged that Tuesday was “clearly a disappointing night” for environmental activists. “I’ve been doing this work for 40 years, and there are times we’re very aggressively on offense, and sometimes we need to play defense,” Karpinski said, vowing that the community would continue to organize, litigate and pressure both companies and the government. “Despite what Mr. Trump might think, the climate crisis is real and not a hoax. … We need to do what we can at all levels to double down and make progress, in this country and around the world.”


Anonymous said...

Amend the Clean Water Act with words limiting the document to "navigable waters of the U.S.".

Anonymous said...

Such a refreshing change in governance. I Am looking forward to this!

Anonymous said...

Why do we need the CleanWater Act? Those are states rights. What does Navigable water have to do with clean water. It is a catch all which has already caused numerous problems by the same folks who wrote Obamacare. Lets get these idiots out of government for ever!!

Anonymous said...

Discontinue the CWA would be fine idea too. Great Idea. I guess they had it in part because the Ohio River use to catch on fire, burn on big river burn on.....LOL.
Since 2008 and 0bama: Private property owners in western states who have access roads to maintain in, along, across dry washes or intermittent creeks cannot do so any more for threat of 6 figure fines by the Army Corp of Engineers/ EPA. Some are old roads some are new, all are needed for private property rights to exist.