Thursday, March 30, 2017

Western Values Project launches billboard in DC: Teddy vs. Zinke

The Western Values Project launched a campaign urging Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke to keep his promise to follow the example of President Teddy Roosevelt.  Beginning today, and continuing throughout the week, a mobile billboard highlighting the website will appear around the Department of the Interior. “Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke wants you to think he’s just like Teddy Roosevelt. What he does about the Bears Ears will prove if he’s just blowing smoke,” said Chris Saeger, Executive Director of the Western Values Project.“Throughout his career as a politician, Ryan Zinke has told anyone willing to listen that he’s cut from the same cloth as the iconic conservation pioneer, and founder of the National Parks Service, former President Roosevelt. His support for the Land and Water Conservation fund and his opposition to the seizure and sale of national public lands backs that up. But his record of clearing the way for big oil and gas companies to drill on American public lands—along with the $345,136 in campaign cash he’s taken from them–raises questions.” release

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