Thursday, June 01, 2017

Limited-entry permits proposed for C.O. wilderness areas

BEND, Ore. - The Deschutes and Willamette national forests are proposing new visitor management strategies – including limited-entry permit systems -- to tackle the increasing problems of trash and damage left behind by a rising visitor count in the Central Oregon Cascades’ five wilderness areas. The two forests in documents posted on Wednesday proposed new visitor use management strategies for the Mount Jefferson, Mount Washington, Three Sisters, Waldo Lake and Diamond Peak wilderness areas. Deschutes National Forest Supervisor John Allen and Willamette National Forest Supervisor Tracy Beck said in a joint letter that the forests have begun a public comment period on the proposed actions, open until July 3. That public input could lead to alternatives or ways to mitigate the impact of proposed actions. There will then be an environmental assessment and another public opportunity to comment. They also said the five wilderness areas are being considered jointly in such proposed changes “to ensure consistency in approach, and to be able to consider the potential for visitor displacement from high-use areas to lower-use areas.”...more

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