Thursday, June 15, 2017

Retrial of four defendants in Bundy ranch case pushed back to July 10

The retrial of four "low-level" defendants in the Bundy ranch standoff case has been delayed two weeks. It will now start at 8:30 a.m. July 10. Chief Judge Gloria Navarro ruled on the delay Friday. The delay was sought by the defendants while the prosecution was opposed. The first trial, which began Feb. 6, ended with a partial mistrial in late April when the jury could not reach a verdict for four of the six defendants. Defendants Scott Drexler, Richard Lovelien, Steven Stewart and Eric Parker sought the delay from June 26 to July 10. The new trial schedule will delay the trial for Cliven, Ammon and Ryan Bundy until fall at the earliest, possibly much later.The trial of the "tier one" defendants is scheduled to start 30 days after the retrial verdict is reached...more

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