Thursday, August 03, 2017

Green group launches ‘Trump Forest’ to counter Trump

Environmental activists are urging supporters to plant trees in President Trump’s name to fight back against his environmental policies. The  Trump Forest campaign, called “Make Earth Great Again,” was started by a New Zealand-based group in March. The group is protesting decisions by the president that they believe will be harmful to the environment, such as pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal. The organization offers a portal for supporters to donate money to organizations that plant trees and urges them to make the donations in Trump’s name specifically. Organizers are then planning to create a digital map based on tree-planting receipts from supporters.  One of the founders of the group, Adrien Taylor from the sustainable hat company Offcut Caps, told Fast Company magazine in April that the group hopes to help promote "actual benefit ... from Trump’s stupidity.” “The world’s most powerful man doesn’t accept basic climate science, and it’s incomprehensible that Trump is making decisions so harmful to the world at large, undoing much of the good progress that has been made with recent efforts,” Taylor said...more


Anonymous said...

Start with pulling up the streets in the SF bay area and replace them with trees.

Then they won't have to drive as far for a hug.

Anonymous said...

My impression of those who want to plant trees have no idea what a J root is. But they have J rooted the constitution of the United States and are actively trying to turn this country into another third world ruin. Instead of planting J rooted trees lets plant the great ideas which President Trump in proposing for our country. Lets plant our ideas in fertile ground and not in the rocky ruin of Liberalism.