Lawmakers are leading an effort to do away with endangered species regulations that they say hurt farmers and ranchers without benefiting the targeted wildlife. Reps. Mike Johnson, R-La., and Paul A. Gosar, R-Ariz., headlined a letter Tuesday to leaders of the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Agriculture, asking for their assistance in modernizing laws that they say are hurting the farm community. “We ask that your committees work together to address the numerous regulatory inefficiencies and statutory roadblocks in the agriculture community by modernizing the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and similarly outdated laws and regulations,” the letter reads. “These much-needed updates would ease the stranglehold on farmers and ranchers who often face the brunt of these job-killing mandates.” Johnson told The Daily Signal in a phone interview that the letter is about building support to combat the Endangered Species Act and bring better ideas to the table. “We’re just starting what we believe is the obvious point that we’ve got to get the committees to work together as a priority to address these numerous regulatory inefficiencies and statutory roadblocks that have gotten in the way of our agriculture community,” Johnson said. “The Endangered Species Act is really just an out-of-control measure that is not very effective and it desperately needs to be modernized so that it can work in a way that benefits everyone, and that’s just not happening right now.” The law prohibits farmers from using their property, the writers say. “This clear failure of the existing [Endangered Species Act] is compounded by attacks on property rights through substantial federal restrictions on land use, and the ESA’s one-size-fits-all approach to species protection that has little regard for solutions from states and local shareholders,” the letter reads...
The letter is embedded below:
ESA hurts more than farmers and ranchers. Reintroduced predators kills off huntable edible deer, elk and other game. That affects multi billion dollar hunting industry. Firarms, archery,guides/outfitters, camping supplies, hotels/motels long list...
ESA is only good for tax payer funded .gov jobs for college grad Al Gore types.
The ESA has been misused to promote REWILDING objectives. For example, it has been used to expand the ranges of large non-endangered carnivore species, such as grizzly bears and gray wolves, into areas near human settlements simply because these species used to live there (historic range). It is an established incontrovertible fact that brown bears and wolves have the widest circumpolar ranges of any large terrestrial predators on earth. Neither species faces the threat of extinction, In fact, the IUCN lists the brown/grizzly bear and the gray wolf as species of "LEAST CONCERN". Something else to consider....the ESA itself is not really to blame. The problem is bad policies created to fulfill an agenda using patently unscientific definitions. Again, service agencies have created thousands of pages of arbitrary and ambiguous polices to implement an agenda that really has nothing to do with preserving endangered species from extinction.
As a result, in large parts of the western U.S., farmers and ranchers are the endangered species.
Extinctions, extinctions! This misguided group who promote the process of extinctions deny the fact that mass extinctions have happened numerous in the history of this planet. What would these idiots have done if they had been present in even one extinction? Yes, there have been some man-caused extinctions and there will continue to be some regardless of what is said or legislation passed. Just remember that the ESA promoters would rejoice at the removal of man from the environment.....excepting themselves of course. Remove the ESA regs from the law now! Pester your congressional representative to get this done now. Make it impossible that a jumping mouse or butterfly can steer the economics of this great country. Support President Trump because this is a one time President who has the guts to remove the stupidity of Liberal legislation.
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