Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Approximately 5,000 bikes apparently abandoned at 'leave no trace' Burning Man

By Mike Moffitt,

Burning Man cyclists are taking flak after an Instagram photo showing a sea of dusty bicycles abandoned on the playa was widely shared on social media. The haunting photo by Logan Mirto shows some of the estimated 5,000 bicycles left by Burners who couldn't be bothered to take their sand cruisers home. One commenter said that the image looked like "Amsterdam Central in a dust storm." Some speculated that a number of the bikes might have been stolen or borrowed before they were discarded. The mass littering of two-wheelers was condemned by other, more conscientious Burners, who admonished their brethren and reminded them of the Burning Man credo "leave no trace." "If you left your bike @ Burning Man.... you are a {insert foul name here}!! Come on folks, we can do better!" wrote Jeffrey Pankey on Facebook. His post got plenty of attention. Trucks began rolling in from Reno to collect the bikes...more


jed said...

Maybe they should have a 'Burying Bike' event there next year instead.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, on SF Chronicle's SFgate FB page - they posted two back-to-back articles

- first one about Stevie Wonder's comment on 'climate change deniers', followed immediately by an article about SF banning glass bottles being littered at city parks - but city not going to fine anyone for littering.