Thursday, September 28, 2017

Battle Looms Over Delta Smelt And Water Use

California water users are asking federal officials to ease protections this fall for endangered fish that live in the Sacramento Delta. Easing the rules designed to protect the Sacramento Delta smelt could allow for more water to be drawn out of the delta and have it sent south to farms and homes. State water contractors are asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to adjust protections that require more fresh water to stay in the delta during the fall of wet years. The restrictions were put in place in 2008 to protect endangered delta smelt and other struggling fish species. A group representing state water contractors has been monitoring the delta environment and their biologists are not convinced the rules help the fish. "This is really the fact that we've been able to have a conversation about the research that's been done and to use that research to make an adjustment that we don't think has an impact on the species but could have a benefit for supply this year," said Jennifer Pierre, of the State Water Contractors. Easing the rules with adaptive management guidelines could allow for the 27 agencies she represents to draw additional water this calendar year if there is enough rain to justify it...more

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